Volunteers play a vital role in all aspects of our work, from fundraising and advocacy to program delivery and outreach. They bring a diverse range of perspectives, talents, and experiences that enrich our organization and help us to better serve our community.

Ensuring the safety of everyone involved in a non-profit organization is of the utmost importance, especially when it comes to accepting volunteers. We as a responsible organization, find it essential to implement effective measures to screen, train, and supervise volunteers to create a safe environment for all.



Will this be your first time volunteering?

Where would you like to serve?


Volunteers are such an indispensable force in non-profit organizations, as they bring a wealth of skills, passion, and dedication to the cause. Your vital role in the success of The JACE Group makes it possible for us to fulfill our mission. Your fresh perspective and innovative ideas are welcomed as we journey together in the development of our young men and women. Our volunteers come from various backgrounds, bringing with them unique experiences and skill sets that help us grow and improve how we serve.

Volunteers play a vital role in all aspects of our work, from fundraising and advocacy to program delivery and outreach. They bring a diverse range of perspectives, talents, and experiences that enrich our organization and help us to better serve our community.




Compassion:  Is the heart of everything we do at The JACE Group. What you see is compassion in action
Integrity:  Integrity is especially important in our work with young people. We know that they are looking for role models they can trust and depend on. By acting with integrity, we can show them that we are committed to their well-being and success.
Limitlessness: When we talk about limitless potential, we are talking about the idea that young people are not limited by their circumstances, their backgrounds, or their past experiences.
Collaboration:  We are passionate about collaborating with our partners to achieve our mission of supporting youth development. We work with schools, community organizations, and other non-profit organizations to provide young people with the tools and support they need to succeed.